It seems the age of imagination, creativity, and wonderment of the late 50’s and early 60’s have returned. Creations such as the iPhone and internet have connected the peoples of the world in ways we never could have imagined. Major visionaries have reignited our fantasies of space travel and living on other planets. And our concerns for the environment have prospered innovations in solar, wind, and other technologies for a sustainable future of our planet.

Yet for an increasing percentage of the population, a large portion of their monthly income is spent on housing, resulting in a stressful existence both physically and mentally.

We believe that the major contributor to the lack of life’s basic needs is the cost of shelter (housing). While the medical community is focused on the population’s well being by “Population Health” strategies, Nondomus is directly focussed on the population’s physical environment to promote a more peaceful life.

Housing cost-burdened is defined as those “who pay more than 30 percent of their gross income for housing (monthly mortgage principal and interest payments plus insurance, taxes or utilities)” and “may have difficulty affording necessities such as food, clothing, transportation, and medical care.” Nondomus was created to address this issue.

This is the “Why” of NONDOMUS, …. why we focus our time, talents, and intellect to help solve this problem.

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