Through creativity, investigation, and innovation, our goal is to design, develop, and build single residences, apartments, condominiums, and planned neighborhoods with small, affordable, and strong houses. By utilizing public, private, and government resources, we want to alleviate some of the burdens that exist for home ownership.

NONDOMUS will focus in three areas utilizing new materials and methods that promote structural strength and longevity, with minimum monthly expenditures by the owners.

1. Research new materials and technologies that:

  • provide durable and strong exterior materials.

  • provide durable interior materials.

  • allow minimal utilities to be used.

  • reduces interior noise propagation.

  • reduces exterior noise transfer to interior.

2. Focus on designs that:

  • are in scale and proportion to the surrounding conditions

  • are open to the private area of the property that they are built on.

  • promote the gathering of people, both internally, and externally.

  • stimulates the inhabitant’s senses.

  • significantly reduce energy consumption.

3. Construct shelters that :

  • include durable and strong exterior materials

  • incorporates no-maintenance exterior materials

  • provides substantial protection against extreme weather

  • uses no-maintenance and durable interior materials

  • incorporates simple and efficient layout of interior spaces

  • blends interior spaces to private outside areas (yard)

  • utilizes unique land-use methods, providing larger private outdoor spaces

  • encompasses energy efficient means. 

We believe that it is not enough to simply exist and consume, but also contribute.

copyright 2024 by architect - all designs, images, and text